Planimeter on Android has been updated with new Interactive Guide that contains short description of main app features and controls.
How it works:
– open Help from option menu
– swipe right or left to cycle through the guide in any direction
– touch any control on the screen to see its description and continue moving through the guide from this point
Let us know if you find the new guide helpful or if you have any questions regarding the app.
– swipe right or left to cycle through the guide in any direction
– touch any control on the screen to see its description and continue moving through the guide from this point
Let us know if you find the new guide helpful or if you have any questions regarding the app.
How so I delete an old property measurement so I can start a new property?
Just save you current measurements as a new file and clear the map using LONG touch on "Delete Button".
Amigo Yuri, o botão satélite on/off, não está mesmo ligado, mostrando a imagem da área, pra que assim eu faça minhas medições deitado confortavelmente em meu quarto, tô tendo que caminhar.. Perda de tempo, prefiro caminhar pelo planímeter… Como resolver
When you engage the GPS for tracking yourself is there a way the map orientation can be in the same direction as you're traveling
Not in the current version, but will consider it as a feature request for the next updates.
My test comment
My test answer