How to use “Planimeter – GPS Area Measure” on iOS and Android in Manual Tracking Mode.
Android, Area Measure, Distance Measure, GPS, GPS Tracking, iOS, Mapping, Planimeter, Planimeter iOS
Tracking Mode is one of the distinctive features of Planimeter - GPS Area Measure app. It can be used to measure track or path distances and to measure areas of objects or territories by driving/biking/walking around. You have an option to set GPS accuracy (if GPS is available on your device) and time interval for dropping a pin. If both conditions are satisfied, your current location is added to to the track automatically. Please note, mobile GPS provides accuracy ~2-3m in the best conditions, so make sure it is enough to satisfy your particular requirements.Sometimes you want to measure an area or distance using tracking feature but you need to place waypoints manually only at certain locations and avoid redundant points in between. You can do it by selecting MANUAL…