How-To: do measurements using camera and common objects of known W/H ratio and length in “Partometer3D – camera measure”

3D Measurement, Android, Camera Measure, Measure on Picture, Partometer3D
Presentation about Partometer3D.Task: measure pencil accurately using square wooden tile and credit card. How to measure:I use square wooden tile to define the measurement plane. I don't know its dimensions, but I know that it's SQUARE: - I go to Preferences and select Measurement Plane as Custom Plane. - Then in How plane is defined I select Only W/H Ratio. - Then in Custom Plane W/H Ratio I enter 1.0 (square shape). Now with this settings I can define measurement plane using the wooden tile. I need to set the scale for the measurement plane in selected units (mm). To do this I place a credit card on the plane and use its LONG side as a reference (ROL). Then I set ROL size in Preferences:Using ROL is selected automatically.Touch Reference…
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Partometer – your camera tape measure. Calibrate once, measure as many as you want.

Android, Android Apps, Camera Measure, Google Play, iOS, Measure on Picture, Partometer, Partometer3D
Once calibrated using known object, Partometer App   allows you to do multiple measurements in the plane. Measurement plane has to be parallel to the camera. Measurement results can be shown in different units along with relative (to a reference) values. It helps to divide the object in certain ratio. If an object doesn’t fit into camera view you can take a picture from a side and use Partometer3D App that extends functionality of Partometer to any defined plane in 3D.
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Circle Measurement Mode in Partometer App on iOS. (video)

Measure on Picture, Partometer
In this video we want to show you how o measure radius, length and area of a circle and find its center using the Circle Measurement Mode in Partometer App on iOS. Distinctive feature of the mode that it's possible to measure a partially visible circle.Partometer is a camera tool for measurements on pictures / photos. The app is  available on both platforms iOS and Android.
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