[iOS] Partometer3D – camera tool for measurements on photos.

3D Measurement, Camera Measure, iOS, iPhone, Partometer iOS, Partometer3D
The first version of Partometer3D app for iOS is now available on the App Store. The main goal of this app is to perform measurements on pictures taken from any view angle (parallel  or not parallel to a camera). Please check this presentation for more info. The app also allows users to do measurements on stretched pictures. The app requires to set a measurement plane using any rectangular object of known size or w/r ratio.  If W/H Ratio option is used for setting the measurement plane, additional Reference Object Length (ROL) has to be used to set a scale of this plane. See an example of using W/R ratio and ROL for measurements in our previous post about Partometer3D on Android.The following video is a short demonstration of measurements with Partometer3D and accuracy test for…
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How-To: do measurements using camera and common objects of known W/H ratio and length in “Partometer3D – camera measure”

3D Measurement, Android, Camera Measure, Measure on Picture, Partometer3D
Presentation about Partometer3D.Task: measure pencil accurately using square wooden tile and credit card. How to measure:I use square wooden tile to define the measurement plane. I don't know its dimensions, but I know that it's SQUARE: - I go to Preferences and select Measurement Plane as Custom Plane. - Then in How plane is defined I select Only W/H Ratio. - Then in Custom Plane W/H Ratio I enter 1.0 (square shape). Now with this settings I can define measurement plane using the wooden tile. I need to set the scale for the measurement plane in selected units (mm). To do this I place a credit card on the plane and use its LONG side as a reference (ROL). Then I set ROL size in Preferences:Using ROL is selected automatically.Touch Reference…
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Partometer3D – camera measure. Measurements with your camera on photos in any defined plane in 3D.

3D Measurement, Android, Camera Measure, Camera Ruler, Partometer3D
Partometer3D  is a handy tool for object dimensions measurements. It  can be used as a ruler or tape measure, or remote measurement device. This app allows user to make measurements in defined plane in 3D . The measurement plane / object plane does not have to be parallel to the camera plane. It expands number of situations where application can be used. For example, big objects now can be measured by taking a picture at some angle (from a side), objects and distances that are difficult to reach can be measured as well. The app has following important and  distinctive features:- measure in any selected plane in 3D space- add/delete  any number of measurement lines/rulers- values assigned to each ruler line- measure objects in different directions- save and share you measurement - find object ratios,…
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